Aux Package AC Error Codes

Models: ART-C50/9, ART-C75/9, ART-C100/9, ART-C125/9, ART-C150/9, ART-C200/9

The fault The fault code definition Possible cause Solution
1. The connection loose 1. Reconnect firmly
E5 Wired controller 2. Wired controller malfunction 2. Replace a new one
communication the fault 3. The communication wire is an open or short circuit 3. Replace a normal one
4. The indoor unit control board malfunction 4. Replace a new one
Input the power supply phase 1. Phase loss 1. Reconnect the wires firmly
E6 2. Low-voltage 2. Check if the power supply is consistent with the
sequence protection nameplate
(The outdoor unit) 3. Phase dislocation 3. Exchange the two-phase sequence of the power
1. The outdoor fan blade is broken 1. Replace the fan blade
2. The connection between the fan blade and the outdoor fan motor 2. Tighten or replace the sleeve
3. The outdoor fan stops working 3. Eliminate the malfunction cause
F2 Discharge temperature 4. The outdoor ventilation is insufficient 4. Improve or enhance the ventilation
protection 5. The outdoor exchanger is dirty or sticky 5. Clean the heat exchanger
6. Discharge temperature sensor deviation 6. Replace the sensor
7. Refrigerant leak 7. Find out the leak point, repair the welding, refill the freon
unit after vacuuming it
8. The capillary or the filter is blocked 8. Replace the capillary or filter
1. The globe valve is closed 1. Open the globe valve
2. The outdoor fan blade is broken 2. Replace the fan blade
3. The connection between the fan blade and the outdoor fan motor 3. Tighten or replace the sleeve
4. The outdoor fan stops working 4. Eliminate the malfunction cause
EH High-pressure protection 5. The outdoor ventilation is insufficient 5. Improve or enhance the ventilation
6. The connection between the high-pressure switch and the control 6. Reconnect the wire to the control board
board lose
7. High-pressure switch malfunction 7. Replace the high-pressure switch
8. The outdoor exchanger is dirty or sticky 8. Clean the heat exchanger
9. There are some moistures in the refrigerant line 9. Refill the freon unit after vacuuming it
10. The capillary or the filter is blocked 10. Replace the capillary or filter
1. The globe valve is closed 1. open the globe valve
EL Low-pressure protection 2. The indoor fan blade is broken 2. tighten or replace the sleeve
3. The connection between the fan blade and the indoor fan motor 3. the indoor fan blade was broken


4. The outdoor fan stops working 4. Eliminate the malfunction cause
5. Filter net is dirty 5. Clean the filter
6. Refrigerant leak 6. Find out the leak point, repair the welding, refill the freon
unit after vacuuming it
7. The connection between the low-pressure switch and the control board 7. Reconnect the wire to the control board
8. Low-pressure switch malfunction 8. Replace the low-pressure switch
9. The capillary or the filter is blocked 9. Replace the capillary or filter
1. Sensor directly contacts with the heat exchanger 1. Refix the sensor correctly
E1 The indoor ambient temperature 2. Sensor plug insert again 2. Reinsert
sensor the fault 3. Sensor is an open or short circuit 3. Replace the sensor
4. The indoor unit control board malfunction 4. Replace the indoor unit control board
1. Sensor separated from the coil 1. Refix the sensor correctly
E3 The indoor coil temperature sensor 2. Sensor plug insert again 2. Reinsert
the fault (TE) 3. Sensor is an open or short circuit 3. Replace the sensor
4. The indoor unit control board malfunction 4. Replace the indoor unit control board
1. Sensor separated from the coil 1. Refix the sensor correctly
E2 The outdoor coil temperature 2. Sensor plug insert again 2. Reinsert
sensor the fault (TW) 3. Sensor is an open or short circuit 3. Replace the sensor
4. The outdoor unit control board malfunction 4. Replace the outdoor unit control board
1. Sensor separated from the copper tube 1. Refix the sensor correctly
E8 Discharge temperature (TP) 2. Sensor plug insert again 2. Reinsert
sensor the fault 3. Sensor is an open or short circuit 3. Replace the sensor
4. The outdoor unit control board malfunction 4. Replace the outdoor unit control board
The outdoor ambient 1. Sensor directly contacts with the heat exchanger 1. Refix the sensor correctly
E7 2. Sensor plug insert again 2. Reinsert
temperature. Sensor
3. Sensor is an open or short circuit 3. Replace the sensor
abnormal (TL)
4. The outdoor unit control board malfunction 4. Replace the outdoor unit control board


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